
L2Azure Celes x7

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Start serwera Celes x7 odbedzie sie 10 kwietnia 2009r o godzinie 20:30.

#1 2009-04-09 13:45:14



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Najprowdopodobniej Questy ze zwiekszonym rate x7 na celes:

Talking Island

Bring Wolf Pets: wymagany lvl 3

start: Trader Lector Weapon&Armor shop
Opis:Bijemy wolf trzeba uzbierac 40
Reward: Leather Shirt
Dark Elven Village:

Keen Claws: wymagany lvl 3
start:Trader Paint Weapon shop
Opis: bijemy mobyashen wolves i gobliny(podobno gobliny wiecej dropia) trzeba uzbierac conajmniej 50 QI
Reward: Soul Crystals lub Adena ( nie pytajcie jakie SC bo nie wiem)

Trade with the Ivory Tower: wymagany lvl 8
start: trader Volodoos w magic shop
opis:bijemy Forest Walking Fungus zbieramy 10 i wracamy do voodosa
Reward: najprawdopodobniej 7x 2000 = 14 000

Collect Arrowheads: wymagany lvl 10
start: Mastr Minia Fighters Guild
opis:Elven Ruins (Talking Island Dungeon) bij Lennunt Orc Snipers (level 10 passive) zdobadz 10 Orcish Arrowheads.
rewards: 1000 x7 = 7000 adena   7x experience

Elven Village

Please of Pixies: wymagany lvl 3

Wolves / Załóż wąteky Murika przy poludniow-wschodniej bramie:
Opis: bijemy gray wolves i red keltiry: trzeba uzbierac 100 QI
Reward: Onyx(300) Emerald(5000) Shard of glass(100a)

Collect Spores:wymagany lvl 8
start:Trader Herbiel GroceryStore
opis:Poluj na Spore Fungus (lv.9). Znajdziesz je w dużych ilościach na równinach na zachód, niedaleko od wioski. Uzbieraj 10 sztuk Spore Sac.
Reward: Najprawdopodobniej 3500*7= 24 500 adena
Orc Village

Wrath of Ancestors: wymagany lvl 5

start:Seer Livina poludniowa czesc glownego budynku
opis: bijemy Goblin Grave Robbers az uzbieramy 50 QI
Reward: Adena 1500* 7 = 10 500

Skirmish with the Werewolves: wymagany lvl 9
start: Prefect Brukurse w King's Hall
Opis:bijemy marake warewolfs ktore sa na poludnie od Northern Plateau. trzeba uzbierac 40 headow:
Reward: cos okolo 30 000 adena
Dwarf Village

Revenge of the Redbonnet: wymagany lvl 4
start:Marife Redbonnet jest w okolicy budynku przy polnocno zachodnim koncu Dwarf Vilalge
Opis: bijemy Black Wolves trzeba uzbierac conajmniej 40
Reward:Adena lub SOE

ze startowych to by bylo na tyle: questy bralem z listy http://www.azuregaming.net/networkinfo.php?type=L2  moze komus sie przyda.

Najprawdopodbniej te wlasnie questy beda x7
    *  Keen Claws - 5x Reward Amount (Adena or Soul Crystals)
    * Bring Wolf Pelts - 5x Quest Item Drop Amount
    * Pleas of the Pixies - 5x Quest Item Drop Amount
    * Revenge of the Redbonnet - 5x Reward Amount (Items worth Adena or Scrolls of Escape)
    * Wrath of Ancestors - 5x Reward Amount (Adena)
    * Collect Spores - 5x Reward Amount (Adena)
    * Trade with the Ivory Tower - 5x Reward Amount (Adena)
    * Skirmish with the Werewolves - 5x Quest Item Drop Amount (Maraku Werewolf Head) and 5x Quest Item Drop Rate (Maraku Wolfman Totem)
    * Collect Arrowheads - 5x Reward Amount (Adena and Experience)
    * Covert Business - 5x Quest Item Drop Amount
    * Grim Collector - 5x Reward Amount (Adena)
    * Hunting for Wild Beasts - 5x Reward Amount (Adena)
    * Subjugation of Lizardmen - 5x Reward Amount (Adena)
    * Yoke of the Past - 5x Reward Amount (Blank Scroll)
    * Fragments of the Dimension - 5x Quest Item Drop Amount (Dimensional Fragment)
    * Vanquish Remnants - 5x Quest Item Drop Amount (Red Badge, Blue Badge, and Black Badge)
    * Hunt of the Black Lion - 5x Quest Item Drop Amount (Undead Ash, Bloody Axe Insignia, Delu Lizardman Fang, Stakato Talon, and Crates)
    * Lizardmen's Conspiracy - 5x Reward Amount (SP)
    * Black Swan - 5x Quest Item Drop Amount (Lizard Fang and Barrel of League)
    * Alligator Hunter - 5x Reward Amount (Adena)
    * Exploration of Giant's Cave, Part I - 5x Quest Item Drop Rate (Giant's Scroll and Mysterious Book)
    * Exploration of Giant's Cave, Part II - 5x Quest Item Drop Rate (Ancient Titan's Book)
    * Supplier of Regeants - 5x Quest Item Drop Amount (Reagent Pouch 1-3, Reagent Box, Wyrm's Blood, Lava Stone, Moonstone Shard, Rotten Bone Piece, Demon's Blood, Volcanic Ash, and Quicksilver)
    * Legacy of Insolence - 5x Quest Item Drop Amount (Ancient Red Papyrus, Ancient Blue Papyrus, Ancient Black Papyrus, and Ancient White Papyrus)
    * For Sleepless Deadman - 5x Quest Item Drop Amount (Remains of Aden Residents)
    * Illegitimate Child of Goddess - 5x Quest Item Drop Amount (Snake Scale)
    * Influx of the Machines - 5x Quest Item Drop Amount (Destroyed Golem Shards)
    * Guardians of the Holy Grail - 5x Quest Item Drop Amount (Monk Scriptures)

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